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We seek poetry, art, and photography that rely on the veiled and the understated — the potent worlds just beyond our reach. We delight in work that highlights the sacred interior of everyday moments — art that breeds pause and consideration for the unseen. There is beauty in the dark. Hidden corners are rarely empty. Show us inner realms that have you by their grip, imprints from muses that cease to fade. We invite you to open our eyes to the forgotten. What has slipped through the cracks of this lifetime?

Submissions for Issue 2 will be open November 15th, 2024 through January 15th, 2025.


During submission periods, send work to using the directions below. 

Image by Nate Bell

When submissions are open, send us 1-3 pieces of art, photography, or poetry to


Please write your genre and intended issue in the subject line. For example, “Photography Submission - Issue 2.” Please also include a brief short third-person bio under 250 words.


For poetry submissions, we prefer pdf attachments but also accept .odt, .rtf, and .txt submissions. Please make sure each poem is on a new page. For art and photography, send your work in pdf, png, or jpeg attachments. 


If chosen for publication, we will need high-resolution images. We do not accept previously published work. Thank you! 

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